Friday, June 3, 2011

Just thinking...

Nothing too exciting this time. It has been one of those weeks. When Robin is gone a lot. When the kids get whiny and get on your nerves.

Time to take a big breath and remember all the blessings that we enjoy every day. God has blessed us so abundantly. Do you ever think about all that we have compared to others in the world who have so little? Do you feel undeserving? I know I do. Especially when I allow self-pity to enter into the equation.

I give thanks to the Lord for my life, and even for the small trials I encounter every day. They help me to remember to rely on Him to get through each moment!

I like to go for walks with the kids. Our new neighbourhood is a bit hilly. Sometimes I make Anjali get out and walk. It is good for her anyway. Except she doesn't walk. She runs or skips or dances and sings. What a kid!

Here is Uncle Ram with his two kids Ami and Kirpa. Their hair is so curly and cute!

This is in our backyard.
Here are Alisa and Jesse with Anjali. Anjali loves her cousins!

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