Friday, May 27, 2011

Brandon is 2!

Here is the little guy I am talking about!

Only, he's not so little anymore....

Here is the car cake I made for his birthday. Anjali was proud of it, even if I wasn't. It gave me some grief, I am afraid....

Here is the card Anjali made for Brandon.

Uncle G was able to come down to celebrate with us!

Blowing out the candles.

We thank God for blessing us with such a happy boy! He always has a smile on his face and is very easy going. He loves dogs. He can count to 20 (although not perfectly), and can sing along to Amazing Grace, Jesus Loves Me, ABC's and more. He loves his dinky cars and carries them around everywhere. He loves to play outside and go on the little slide. He doesn't like to eat, unless it's blackberries or chocolate covered raisins! He loves to give hugs and kisses and is a snuggly boy. May God bless you, Brandon!

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