Thursday, June 23, 2011

Here we go again...

Another post for all my faithful readers out there! :)

Sorry, I know this is quite late, but it will probably be all you get from me for the next little while. Explanation coming.....

First, here is a pic of my sweetie and one of her favourite drawings. This is a picture of a jellyfish being eaten by a sea turtle. She started drawing this after we took a visit to the science centre where we watched a film about creatures of the sea. It really was too scary for the little kids, but we are amazed at how much she actually absorbed of the film, and also from the exhibits at the science centre. At the time, we felt like the trip was a bit of a waste, thinking that we should wait till the kids are a bit older to go to a place like the science centre. However, we found that she had learned a lot when she would talk about certain things that we had seen and done there! Cool!

Here is a pic of our little buddy dancing in his carseat to one of his favourite songs by the Wiggles. I absolutely love having a DVD player in the van because when we are coming back from somewhere, and it is Brandon's nap time, all I need to do is turn on the DVD and it keeps him awake till we get home. Cool!

In other news, here is another "before" pic of our family room. Notice the curtains and how they don't reach the floor. This bugged me.

Now notice, new-to-me curtains which are the perfect height, in perfect condition, and for only $5 at a garage sale! Cool! Can't beat that!

Unfortunately my garage sale days are basically over for this season since I have begun working once again at the Brampton Farmers Market on Saturday mornings. This job is rewarding in many ways. I get to be out of the house for awhile without the kids. I get to see and talk with people. I get to take home fresh produce (mainly strawberries, mmm!) from the market. I will get to visit my parents every Saturday afternoon for lunch before heading home. But I will be beat when Saturday evening rolls around. And, I will miss hanging out with Robin and the kids on Saturdays.

That means I have to make the most of the rest of the week with my family. And it's summertime, people! So you might not catch me blogging too frequently in the near future. But I will try to keep up a little bit!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jobs to do and my garden is blooming...

So obviously this post is coming a little late because Friday is long past.

But that is okay. My life is full and busy. And it's okay with me if this homework post is coming a little late.

This is a job that we took care of some time ago, but I will show you anyway. Robin constructed a platform so he could take down the ceiling fan (that we couldn't turn on since we can't reach it).

Here is the new fixture we put in. I don't have the complete "after" since the fixture has lamp shades on it too.
and here is the garden I'm talking about! :)
Anjali drew this picture. She loves to draw and is getting quite good at it.

We have been working on our real garden too. What a big job! Robin has built some raised beds and we are now growing peas, beans, watermelon, zucchini, tomatoes, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries!

We have some herbs and a couple of flowers in the back, but there is so much more work to be done! We are planning to build a deck, a shed, a swingset with slide and we have to finish the fence gates.

So much to do! It is overwhelming at times. Progress is slow. But the end result will be worth it, I hope!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Just thinking...

Nothing too exciting this time. It has been one of those weeks. When Robin is gone a lot. When the kids get whiny and get on your nerves.

Time to take a big breath and remember all the blessings that we enjoy every day. God has blessed us so abundantly. Do you ever think about all that we have compared to others in the world who have so little? Do you feel undeserving? I know I do. Especially when I allow self-pity to enter into the equation.

I give thanks to the Lord for my life, and even for the small trials I encounter every day. They help me to remember to rely on Him to get through each moment!

I like to go for walks with the kids. Our new neighbourhood is a bit hilly. Sometimes I make Anjali get out and walk. It is good for her anyway. Except she doesn't walk. She runs or skips or dances and sings. What a kid!

Here is Uncle Ram with his two kids Ami and Kirpa. Their hair is so curly and cute!

This is in our backyard.
Here are Alisa and Jesse with Anjali. Anjali loves her cousins!