Saturday, March 5, 2011

New family room

I am only going to share the before and after picture of the family room.
Before (with previous owner's stuff):

This is the room I go to if I want to relax for awhile...

We love the gas fireplace, and I love the green colour on the walls. There is a lot of light coming in this window in the morning and I absolutely LOVE that!

There is a lot more work to be done in the rest of the house

(way too embarrassing to share any other photos of the house, but I promise they are coming soon).......

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Very Important Post!

I know, I know, you all are waiting to see pictures of the new house
and the relaxing vacation, but first.....

this sweet girl turned 4 in the middle of it all!Decorating cupcakes for the party.

Another cake which she decorated for this party.
Showing off some of her art pictures.