Thursday, March 22, 2007


Here is a picture of Anjali during tummy-time. She doesn't like it very much when we lay her on the floor, but she does like to lift her head and look around when she is half-lying half-sitting on your chest. I took her in to the doctor today - she is now 5 weeks and 2 days and she already weighs 11 pounds!!! She sure is growing fast.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Playing and sleeping

Anjali is playing in her Pooh play-yard from Uncle G!

More pictures

Anjali is trying on her baptism gown for the big day.
Thanks to her Great-Aunt Jane for making the beautiful gown!
Her baptism took place on March 4, 2007.

Here is our little cutie sitting on the couch.

Newborn Anjali Jalyn

Anjali Jalyn Singh was born Feb 13, 2007 @9:16pm.
She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz. 20in long.

The proud parents

Dada and Dadi (Grandparents)
Grandpa, Grandma and Cousin Jesse
....don't mind Doug, he just likes being in on all the pictures ;)
Uncle Ram and Aunt Raj
Uncle Mike and Aunt Theresa.
BTW They just got married on Mar10/07. CONGRATS!!
Uncle Doug
Aunt Melissa
Aunt Sheryl

Uncle Bad....oops, I mean Brad